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Formosa Oolong - 915 -Oolong Tee

Formosa Oolong - 915 -Oolong Tee

Regular price
$ 9.00 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$ 9.00 USD

Oolong tea Oolong tea (17) 4.65 / 5.00 Partially fermented tea that first tastes slightly bitter and then develops its characteristic nutty sweetness. slightly sweet and toasty;         This tea comes from the island of Taiwan.

Oolong tea
Origin: China
Harvest time: summer
Ingredients: Oolong
Preparation recommendation
Brewing time: 3 - 4 min.
Water hardness: medium
Water temperature: 100 ° C
Dosage: 1 tsp (3 g) per cup (200 ml)