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Lulo Chai - Limited Edition

Lulo Chai - Limited Edition

Regular price
$ 6.50 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$ 6.50 USD

Lulo Chai - Limited Edition

Flavored herbal tea with a spice mix, cocoa shell and lulo flavor The exotic, fruity taste of Lulo gives this sweet chai composition its special character. Fine mint and cocoa notes round off the creation.


Lulo Chai - Limited Edition
Origin:South Africa
Ingredients: Rooibos (24%), ginger, anise, cinnamon, cocoa shell (8%), fennel, cardamom, lemon balm leaves, cloves, aroma, blackberry leaves, licorice root, pink pepper, apple mint (1%), safflower flowers

Item no.:3207
Preparation recommendation
Brewing time: 5 - 8 minutes.
Dosage: 1 tsp (3 g) per cup (200 ml)
Water hardness: medium
Water temperature: 100°C